COVID-19 Potential Exposure Building List
The table below contains the list of buildings where an individual reported visiting a Stanford University building within their COVID-19 infectious period.
This table is updated nightly, so updates are not real-time or immediately refreshed.
We encourage you to keep in mind several things about the table below:
- Being in a building where a COVID-positive person has been present does not mean you have been exposed. Individuals identified as high-risk close contacts are separately notified and given guidance
- One person can visit many buildings in the course of a day. If 10 buildings are listed for a given date, this does not mean that 10 different COVID-positive individuals were on campus on that date.
- Stanford University has a high rate of vaccination in our community. Vaccination against COVID-19 is one of the most effective ways to prevent severe illness and hospitalization.
COVID-related Benefits and Resources
Please be advised that employees may be eligible for COVID-19 related benefits under certain circumstances. For more information, please refer to Cardinal at Work. Postdoctoral scholars should reference Postdoctoral Scholars Policies for information about time off and other benefits.
COVID Cleaning and Disinfection Plan
Stanford is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe workplace. Given the level of community spread in the county and broader Bay Area, we expect COVID-19 cases to occur on campus. Please refer to the COVID Cleaning and Disinfection Plan webpage for information on cleaning and disinfection at Stanford.
Anti-retaliation and Antidiscrimination
As a reminder, it is a violation of Stanford policy to discriminate or retaliate against anyone for disclosing a positive COVID-19 test or diagnosis or order to quarantine or isolate, for utilizing any of the COVID-19 benefits described above, or for raising any related concerns in good faith.
We understand that knowing of your potential exposure can raise questions and concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact your supervisor or Human Resources Manager for any questions.